It is believed that using alcohol to treat viral colds and colds is good for the body. However, drinking alcohol and lowering the immune system during illness is only recommended at the initial stage of the disease. In this article, we will tell you how your body behaves during illness and how alcohol can cure the common cold.
Alcohol and flu

Experts agree that there is no connection between colds and alcohol. In the course of a viral disease (ARVI), pathogenic bacteria spread throughout the body. First, they affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nasal cavity. As a result, the symptoms of ARVI appeared:
- Runny nose;
- cough;
- Temperature rise
- sore throat.
Alcohol cannot kill bacteria for colds. When drinking a small amount of wine or brandy, it will irritate the mucous membrane and form swelling, and the patient's condition will sometimes worsen.
Ask for information! Any alcoholic beverage in small doses will destroy the function of the pancreas, thereby inhibiting the production and recovery of new cells in the tissue. Experts do not recommend drinking alcohol for colds, because ethanol products cannot kill bacteria.
It is not recommended to drink vodka at high temperatures. When you are sick, your body will be poisoned. Drinking alcohol will significantly increase it and harm people. If the patient has an acute respiratory infection and decides to treat a cold with alcohol, the body’s protective function will slow down the production of interferon and may cause the body temperature to rise. This process will increase significantly over time and the fight against the virus.
How to treat viral infections with alcohol?

The main function of alcohol is to disinfect. It is recommended that people with acute sore throat drink a few sips of any strong alcoholic beverage. Ethanol products will help neutralize viruses and prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the bronchi and lungs. However, you must be cautious when drinking alcohol when you have a cold, otherwise you will get drunk easily.
Ask for information! Hot wine or a glass of vodka can prevent disease, but it cannot cure disease. This is because spirits change the acid-base balance and increase acidity.
But can I drink vodka for a sore throat? As we all know, tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an acute inflammation of the tonsils, which occurs with influenza, its complications, sinusitis and upper respiratory tract disease. Taking alcoholic beverages due to angina can cause a sharp rise in body temperature and dehydration. Therefore, drinking alcohol during tonsillitis is not recommended. Ethanol products with the following symptoms can effectively treat colds:
- Sore throat;
- Weakness, lethargy, pain;
- Chills.
For such complicated symptoms, drinking a cup of hot tea, plus 60 ml of wine or other spirits is enough. Sweet wines with herbs, spices and honey can also have a positive effect on the patient’s general condition.
Angina and alcohol

Can I drink alcohol for angina? Experts say that angina and alcohol are incompatible. Strong drinks (40 degrees) have a negative effect on the inflamed mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and irritated tonsils. In most cases, for angina pectoris, the pathogenic microbial flora is disturbed and affected by Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. When a person is sick, his body's resistance is reduced, pathogenic bacteria multiply and affect healthy tissues. Therefore, from a medical point of view, alcohol cannot kill a sore throat; it can only eliminate the first symptoms of a viral disease.
important! For acute angina pectoris, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.
Only in the initial stages of the disease (hypothermia, runny nose, sensation of congestion in the throat and nasal cavity) is it possible to achieve results against ARVI with the help of alcohol. Drinking a small amount of alcohol after causing hypothermia will have a beneficial effect on the body and neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. If a person drinks alcohol and stays at a low temperature for a period of time, his heat transfer will be greatly reduced and he is more likely to be too cold.
Ask for information! Studies have shown that as long as 50 milliliters of strong beverages are consumed, colds can be effectively combated.
The most important thing to treat flu is not to increase the dose of alcohol. If you drink too much alcohol, the immune system will decline and the function of all organs and systems will be impaired. If the patient suffers from alcoholism, treatment with this method is impossible.
It is recommended to treat acute viral diseases when bed rest must be observed. Only when the infection has not had time to infect the patient’s lungs and bronchi, can you catch a cold and drink it.